Be a Tidy Kiwi stands tall in the capital

Published on
January 27, 2025

Be a Tidy Kiwi (BATK) is proud to announce its support of the Wellington City Council initiative to make Turanganui-a-Kiwa predator free by collaborating with highly accomplished local mural artist, Lotte Hawley.

The Chair of Be a Tidy Kiwi Trust, Ewan Warrender, is thrilled to have the ‘Tui Hui’ mural put in such a prominent position on the back of the old PlaceMakers building, Hutt Road Wellington. Commuters travelling into the CBD can see the mural from the motorway and railway lines as they enter the CBD.

“Having this beautifully created mural on show reminds us about the importance of protecting our Capital City and keeping our public spaces clean and safe for everyone to enjoy, celebrate the incredible birdlife thriving and growing in Wellington as the city works towards becoming predator free over the next 10 years” said Warrender.

Considering the amount of money and resources Kiwi Rail has had to spend over the years to keep the commuter corridor free from vandalism and graffiti, Be a Tidy Kiwi is hopeful Wellingtonians will embrace the artwork as their own.

BATK is also grateful to the wonderful support from Resene who supplied the paint and graffiti guard.

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